Plan creation

In the first step, we will ask you a couple of simple questions. This questionnaire represents the only source of information we have about you, and we will set up your (potentially decade-lasting) investment based on your answers. You can read more about filling out the questionnaire here. You can change your settings at any time in the future.

Emergency fund

Coverage of income loss in unexpected life situations and in bad times.

How old are you?


Please enter an integer between 0 and 80.


The investment period duration is key. Read more about how the investment horizon influences your investment strategy.

At what age would you wish to retire?
Selected value in years: 50
How long do you wish to save for your children?
Selected value in years: 0
In how many years do you wish to build your emergency fund?
Selected value in years: 0
In how many years do you plan to buy a property? When would you like to repay your mortgage?
Selected value in years: 0
For how many years are you willing to invest to fulfill your dream?
Selected value in years: 0
For how many years do you plan to invest?
Selected value in years: 0
For how many years do you plan to invest?
Selected value in years: 0
How many years would you like to receive regular monthly withdrawal?
Selected value in years: 0

Based on the investment horizon, we will advise you on how much should you invest and with what risk, or alternatively the regual withdrawal amount that can paid out during the period.


Note that for a horizon of less than 10 years, only the portfolio consisting of 30% equities and 70% bonds can be offered.

For how many years are you willing to invest to fulfill your dream?
Selected value in years: 0
The investment horizon is not binding. You can request a withdrawal at any time, free of charge.

In what currency do you wish to deposit funds?


Selected currency will be your basic currency. Your account value will be shown in selected currency, same as payment instruction. But you can deposit funds in other currencies, too. Bear in mind that the funds are converted into euro. Portfolios are denominated in euros.


We will show you the status of your account in this currency. However funds are converted then into euros, for which we buy index ETF funds on the stock exchange.

How much would you like to save for each of your children?

What is the amount you would wish to pay off from your mortgage? What is your target amount for buying a property?

What is the target amount you wish to earn from your investment?

What is your target amount you would like your investment to reach?


If you have more than one child, create a separate account for each of them. Children are of different age, and we will adjust the risk of the account accordingly to the length of the investment. Next, name your account, such as your child's name.

How much do you wish to invest one-off?

What amount do you want to invest that will provide you with regular withdrawal?

Koľko plánujete vložiť finančných prostriedkov počas zberného roka?


Optional field. The minimum is 10 €.

Required. The minimum investment for a regular withdrawal program is 50 000 €.

Výška prvého vkladu pre TBSZ musí byť najmenej 63 €​.

Optional field. The minimum is 250 Kč.

Required. The minimum investment for a regular withdrawal program is 1 350 000 Kč.

Výška prvého vkladu pre TBSZ musí byť najmenej 1 573 Kč​.

Optional field. The minimum is 5 000 Ft.

Required. The minimum investment for a regular withdrawal program is 15 000 000 Ft.

Výška prvého vkladu pre TBSZ musí byť najmenej 25 000 Ft​.

Optional field. The minimum is 50 zł.

Required. The minimum investment for a regular withdrawal program is 250 000 zł.

Výška prvého vkladu pre TBSZ musí byť najmenej 269 zł​.

How much do you wish to invest regularly every month?


Mandatory field, unless a one-off investment amount is filled. The minimum is 10 €.

Mandatory field, unless a one-off investment amount is filled. The minimum is 250 Kč.

Mandatory field, unless a one-off investment amount is filled. The minimum is 5 000 Ft.

Mandatory field, unless a one-off investment amount is filled. The minimum is 50 zł.


You can increase or change your investment at any time, the initial setting is not binding for you. We will automatically invest each deposit.

What withdrawal amount would you like to receive at the end of the month?


The regular withdrawal will be sent to you monthly on the last business day. Based on the questionnaire the algorithm will recommend the amount of withdrawal suitable for you that will be annually increased based on the average inflation rate of 2%.

Source of income


Choose what additional income you will receive while receiving the regular withdrawal. You can select multiple options.

What portion of your net worth does the intended investment represent? Net worth consists of your apartment, car, savings, stakes in companies, etc.


For example, Peter owns an apartment, has a car and a cash bank. The value of this asset is estimated at 100 000 €. Invest Wants 10 000 €. Peter would choose the answer a).

For example, Peter owns an apartment, has a car and a cash bank. The value of this asset is estimated at 3 000 000 Kč. Invest Wants 300 000 Kč. Peter would choose the answer a).

For example, Peter owns an apartment, has a car and a cash bank. The value of this asset is estimated at 30 000 000 Ft. Invest Wants 3 000 000 Ft. Peter would choose the answer a).

For example, Peter owns an apartment, has a car and a cash bank. The value of this asset is estimated at 500 000 zł. Invest Wants 50 000 zł. Peter would choose the answer a).


We believe that over time, our results will convince you to invest a larger part.

Thank you for your trust. We will do everything in our power to make you satisfied.

We appreciate your trust and take it as a big commitment. We will do our best to make you as satisfied as possible.

How long would it take you to save up for the intended investment amount? Consider your expenses and liabilities (such as mortgage, loan repayments, etc.) alongside your income when making the estimation.


For example, Peter wants to invest 2 400 €. His monthly income is 1 000 €. Upon payment of all expenses and mortgage, he can save 100 € per month. He can manage to save 2 400 € in two years. Peter would choose the answer b).

For example, Peter wants to invest 60 000 Kč. His monthly income is 25 000 Kč. Upon payment of all expenses and mortgage, he can save 2 500 Kč per month. He can manage to save 60 000 Kč in two years. Peter would choose the answer b).

For example, Peter wants to invest 750 000 Ft. His monthly income is 300 000 Ft. Upon payment of all expenses and mortgage, he can save 30 000 Ft per month. He can manage to save 750 000 Ft in two years. Peter would choose the answer b).

For example, Peter wants to invest 10 000 zł. His monthly income is 4 000 zł. Upon payment of all expenses and mortgage, he can save 400 zł per month. He can manage to save 10 000 zł in two years. Peter would choose the answer b).


You can build substantial wealth by investing smaller amounts consistently.

We mitigate investment risks by using passive ETF investments and regular portfolio rebalancing. History has shown that such investments produce the best results in the long run.

We know how to minimize the risks associated with investing and utilize most of these tools when managing your portfolio.

Do your incomes cover the necessary life expenses and repayments in case of liabilities (loans, mortgage)?


Well done. If the purpose of regular withdrawal is to improve financial situation, it does not have to be unnecessarily high and paid under all circumstances. Thus, your financial assets can continue to grow and you can get richer.

Congratulations, you will maintain a higher quality of life thanks to the financial assets you have built. If you don't increase your expenses, your wealth may continue to grow even when regular withdrawal is paid out.

The fact that, regular withdrawal will be your main source of income, will be taken into consideration when designing your investment plan, so that this income will last you throughout your entire horizon.

What is your net monthly income?


Based on income, we will advise you how much you should save for comfortable retirement or a sufficient emergency fund.

How high pension would you like to receive from your investment in Finax? (in today`s prices)

Please share the amount of the reserve you want to save.


We recommend at least 6 months' income.

Risk attitude

What type of investment do you prefer?


Anyone can invest. We do offer appropriate portfolios with interesting returns even for more cautious clients.

Excellent, we have the same expectations. Occasionally, less successful years will occur, but historically, they have been followed by very successful ones.

That's right, despite all the crises, stocks have historically been the most profitable investment tool.


Anyone can invest. We do offer appropriate portfolios with interesting returns even for more cautious clients.

Approximately half of your assets are invested safely, but even the value of this portfolio can decrease from time to time.

That's right, despite all the crises, stocks have historically been the most profitable investment tool.

What would you do if your investment dropped by 20% of its value?


The biggest mistake investors make is not respecting their investment horizon and selling in panic. In the long run, every downturn in the stock market is eventually surpassed, and stock indices reach new highs.

Correct, investing and emotions don't mix well. The highest profits come from long-term investments.

Well done! You know the drill. Even Warren Buffett makes purchases when markets are falling. What applies in real life also applies to investments: buy when prices are low.

How would you define your primary investment goal? What combination of regular withdrawal and risk do you prefer?


We will help you set the maximum amount of regular withdrawal so that the value of your investment can, on average, increase to reflect inflation and maintain its value alongside your withdrawals.

We will help you set the maximum withdrawal amount so that you will also receive a regular withdrawal even in case of pessimistic investment scenario. If markets develop well, you will still have enough money at the end.

All right, we'll be sending you the money based on the agreed settings , but please keep in mind that we won't be able to send it as long as you'd like.

The stock exchange crises, when the value of equities indices fall on average by more than 20%, occur vary rarely. Withdrawals during the stock market downturn have a major impact on the overall portfolio development. How would you describe your tendency to withdraw during the crisis?


We will adjust the maximum portfolio withdrawal so that the portfolio can withstand the impact of the stock market crisis.

This usually happens every 5 years. When this happens and the stock markets fall by 20%, we will reduce the amount withdrawn by quarter. If stock indices fall by 30%, we will reduce the amount witdrawn by half until they return above the level that triggered the withdraw reduction.

This usually happens every 5 years. When stock markets fall by 20%, we reduce the amount withdrawn by half. If stock indices fall by 30%, we will stop paying the regular withdrawal until they return above the level that triggered the regular withdraw suspension.

Knowledge and experience

Which financial instruments do you have experience with and how extensive is it?


Have you ever invested in some of these instruments? For how long? Do you know any of them?

Mutual funds, retirement funds and ETFs
Derivatives (such as options, CFD)
Investment experience

Responsible Investments (ESG)


(E) Environmental factors include, in particular, measures to combat climate change.

(S) Social factors include respect for human rights, working conditions in the supply chain, prevention of illegal child labor.

(G) Corporate culture covers the way a company is managed, its independence, and transparency.

Are you interested in socially and environmentally responsible investments (ESG)?