The improving economic situation and growing markets all contributed towards a very fruitful last ye...
Fee Abolition Is Imminent... and You Can Help Bring It Faster!
Making Intelligent Investing cheaper is our long-term goal. In the past, we've introduced several discounts and launched the lower-fee Elite program. Our next step is to abolish the deposit fee – forever and for everyone. Only one last condition keeps us from waiving it right now. Its fulfillment is in your hands, Intelligent Investors.

We Are Abolishing the Deposit Fee As Of 1 July
The requirement for the abolition of the fee was to reach total customer deposits of EUR 500 million.
We reached this milestone on 19 June 2023. We are very pleased that thanks to you we are growing and can make our service cheaper and more accessible. Thank you for your trust, it is only thanks to you that the abolition of the payment processing fee will be a thing of the past from next month.
Updated 19.06.2023
Why Will We Abolish the Fee Only After the Goal Has Been Met?
As mentioned in the introduction, one of Finax's long-term goals is to meet our clients' needs by gradually reducing fees. We want to make building wealth in Finax an attractive part of life for families in Slovakia and abroad.
At the same time, however, we have obligations and commitments arising from the requirement of delivering high-quality services. These are obligations to our clients and partners, whom we want to continue providing free education, and responsibilities towards our employees. Meeting them requires our resources and capacities.
We share common goals, dear Intelligent Investors. We believe you will appreciate our transparency and approach to offering discounts with respect to the quality of our services.
Warning: Investing involves risk. Past returns are not a guarantee of future performance. Tax exemptions apply exclusively to residents of the respective country and may vary depending on specific tax laws. For ongoing promotions, please refer to the detailed terms on our website in the Discounts section.