How to invest?

Articles by Keyword

6 Tips by Rich People You Can Adopt as Well |
13. July 2022

6 Tips by Rich People You Can Adopt as Well

Nearly 80% of the affluent have built their wealth from scratch. Juraj Hrbatý is one of them. Rather than inheriting his fortune, he worked his way up to it. Yet he still keeps his head down and doesn't waste money. Read on for a list of his advice that can help you improve your financial future.

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Kasík: What to Invest in During a Crisis? |
7. July 2022

Kasík: What to Invest in During a Crisis?

What is currently the best investment? Learn how you should invest today and why I recommend these investments. I'll take you through my career, the extraordinary situations that occurred in the financial markets during it, and show you how I thought and invested back then. I will reveal my journey to forming my current attitude toward investing.

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High Inflation – How to Protect Money and Wealth? |
15. June 2022

High Inflation – How to Protect Money and Wealth?

Inflation devalues money. Its purchasing power declines as prices rise. Keeping money in bank accounts or cash yields a painful loss. What should we do with it? Is it better to spend it all now? No. Only long-term investing will protect your wealth. The prepared ones are not surprised today. Take a simple step to prevent future price rises from catching you by surprise, beating inflation.

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10 Answers Regarding Investments and the Conflict in Ukraine |
16. March 2022

10 Answers Regarding Investments and the Conflict in Ukraine

Most of us were shocked by Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The geographical proximity of the conflict, the unprecedented and unpredictable rampage of the Russian authorities raise many questions and spread uncertainty. Hence, we are bringing you rational, fact-based answers to questions regarding investing you are probably concerned with.

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What to do when the markets drop? |
9. February 2022

What to do when the markets drop?

After a prolonged period of peace and strong growth, stock markets have experienced increased volatility and declines. We bring you recommendations on how to behave during fluctuations in the financial markets in order to finish the journey towards your financial goals on a high note.

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Dividend stocks -  are they worth investing in?|
11. July 2020

Dividend stocks - are they worth investing in?

Many investors are interested in dividend stocks. In our region, they are considered to be a great investment tool that pays out regular return. But is this really the case? We will explain why dividend investing is not at all ideal, why you should not even take it into consideration and why other types of investment are significantly better.

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23. April 2020

2 tips for optimizing your family finances during the crisis

A good manager tries to benefit from every situation. While the last blog was dedicated to saving the family budget, this time we will try to help households emerge from the crisis with healthier and stronger outlook on family finances.

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How much money have you lost, because you decided to postpone investing? |
22. March 2020

How much money have you lost, because you decided to postpone investing?

When was the last time you said to yourself that you need to start investing but you could not take the first step? We calculated how much money did the postponement of investment cost you.

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