
Articles by Keyword

How inflation chips away your bank savings |
6. September 2024

How Inflation Chips Away Your Bank Savings

Inflation reduces the purchasing power of your money over time, poses challenges in meeting basic needs, and potentially depletes your savings. The current interest rates offered by most banks are negligible. Fortunately, there are ways to mitigate the harmful effects of inflation. In this article, we'll explore how inflation affects your money and provide practical advice to help you stay ahead of rising costs.

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Inflation in the Fridge: 15 Tips to Save on Groceries |
7. September 2022

Inflation in the Fridge: 15 Tips to Save on Groceries

The current inflationary tsunami has hit most basic goods, not bypassing groceries. Compared to the past, greater portions of our paychecks get literally eaten. We are bringing several tips to armor yourself on this front, saving tens of euros a month.

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Beating Inflation with a Raise – How to Ask for It? |
24. June 2022

Beating Inflation with a Raise – How to Ask for It?

When the term inflation gets mentioned in a discussion, most people visualize an immaterial thief. Prices are rising, incomes stagnating, and we can afford less. Is it necessarily true that inflation only takes and never gives? What can we do to maintain the purchasing power of our wages or pensions?

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High Inflation – How to Protect Money and Wealth? |
15. June 2022

High Inflation – How to Protect Money and Wealth?

Inflation devalues money. Its purchasing power declines as prices rise. Keeping money in bank accounts or cash yields a painful loss. What should we do with it? Is it better to spend it all now? No. Only long-term investing will protect your wealth. The prepared ones are not surprised today. Take a simple step to prevent future price rises from catching you by surprise, beating inflation.

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Inflation Is not Turning. How to Surf Its Wave Successfully? |
3. June 2022

Inflation Is not Turning. How to Surf Its Wave Successfully?

After years of near-zero inflation, the prices of rent, fuel, chicken breasts, and antiperspirants are rising sharply. Some blame the state, while others consider transferring wealth to commodities. We are happy to introduce a series of blogs that will explain the origins of this situation and how to arrange for your budget to withstand it.

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